How Vietnamese pigs behave before giving birth. How long does a pregnant pig walk: average duration

Sooner or later, every pig owner is faced with the phenomenon of pig pregnancy. Unlike many other household inhabitants, pigs are able to bear offspring twice a year. Of course, in order for the sow to farrow safely and be able to bear a healthy litter, it is necessary to have certain knowledge related to aspects of her pregnancy. So, how can you tell if a pig is pregnant and what signs accompany it?

Pregnancy in pigs is one of the most complex physiological processes, which, as a rule, is accompanied by lethargy and toxicosis in the female. In addition, the body volume of a pig during pregnancy can increase several times.

As you know, the average duration of pregnancy (pregnancy) in pigs is 115 days (almost 4 months). However, in order for a pig to become pregnant and bear offspring, its weight should not be less than 120 kg, and mating is possible only after the pig reaches 10-11 months of age. In general, how to determine if a pig is pregnant is not such a difficult task. Today, there are several effective ways to find out that a pig is pregnant:

  • clinical;
  • laboratory;
  • visual.

After mating between a pig and a boar has occurred, on the third day after fertilization, the initial stage of pig pregnancy can be determined, which is confirmed by the presence of indicative symptoms, which we will consider below.

Main signs of pregnancy in a pig

Pregnancy symptoms in pigs vary widely. One of the first signs of how to determine pregnancy in a pig is its lack of sexual desire, which is expressed in its calmness and even some lethargy. Often her appetite decreases. After 4-5 months, the appetite returns, the pig moves little, eats and sleeps a lot.

It’s not difficult to find out how to determine if a pig is pregnant at home; the main sign is the cessation of heat.

If her sexual desire has not returned within 15-30 days, then we should expect a quick birth. This method of determining pregnancy in a pig at home is called a reflexological examination.

Of course, in addition to this sign, the pig also exhibits other characteristic visual indicators of pregnancy: an increase in the size of the abdominal area, swelling and redness of the nipples. But all these signs begin to appear only in the second half of pregnancy. The “special situation” of a pig can be determined by the rapid weight gain that is typical for it during this period.

So, the main symptoms of pregnancy in a pig are the following:

  1. Lethargy of the pig (poor sleep and appetite in the animal).
  2. Redness of the nipples (when pressure is applied to the nipples, the so-called colostrum is released).
  3. Lack of sexual desire.
  4. Mucous discharge with a curd consistency on the genitals.

Pig pregnancy period

The normal gestation period for a pig is considered to be within 4 months. But in young females there may be a slight delay of up to 5-7 days. Such a delay is not regarded as a deviation from the norm. More mature sows, on the contrary, can give birth prematurely and farrow 7-10 days earlier than expected.

Unlike mare and cow, sows have multiple births. Those. during one pregnancy they can produce 2 or more piglets. However, it is almost impossible to determine the exact number of piglets at home. This largely depends on two factors: the age of the sow and overall productivity. According to statistics, one mature pig aged from 1 to 3 years gives birth on average from 10 to 12 piglets. In some cases, this figure can reach 15-16 heads per litter. Read more about when a pig starts walking.

It is important to know: in the first year of pregnancy, a young sow gives birth to no more than 8 piglets.

How to determine that a pig is pregnant: methods for determining pregnancy in pigs

If you want to get more accurate confidence in the sow’s pregnancy, you should conduct a rectal diagnosis by palpating the pulsation of the urogenital and uterine arteries. But only ultrasound examinations of the pelvic and abdominal cavities can provide the most accurate data. The ultrasound diagnostic method can detect the pulsation of the fetus inside the uterus.

Another effective method for finding out that a pig is pregnant is a biopsy, during which a tissue sample is taken from the pig’s vagina, after which it is examined in a laboratory. You can feel the fetuses in the last stages of pregnancy using the palpation method. To do this, the pig is carefully placed on its side and the abdominal area at the level of the nipples is probed with soft, careful movements.

Vietnamese pig pregnancy

Like ordinary pigs, the pregnancy of a Vietnamese pig lasts no more than 114-118 days. You can find out how to determine the pregnancy of a Vietnamese pig from the list of visual signs.

External signs of pregnancy

As for such external signs as an enlarged abdomen and chest, in Vietnamese pigs they are little pronounced in the first half of the term. The animal eats well, continues to grow and gain weight, so such changes are hardly noticeable. However, closer to the last month, it is possible to accurately recognize the pregnancy of the mumps. Her rounded belly protrudes strongly, her nipples become engorged, and the back of her body widens slightly.

Pregnancy can also be determined by behavior. In the second half of the term, the pig rests and lies down more. May exhibit some actions to protect the territory, sometimes becoming more timid. At this time, it is important to protect the female from other animals and protect her from excitement and stress.

How to feed a pregnant Vietnamese pig

In order to increase the productivity of the Vietnamese pig breed, proper feeding is a priority. In general, feeding Vietnamese pigs is no different from feeding a regular breed. The best option for feeding a pregnant Vietnamese pig is grain feed (rye, wheat, barley). In summer, the basis of their diet is “green food”. Note that oats and corn are undesirable in the diet of Vietnamese pigs during pregnancy, as they contribute to excessive accumulation of fat.

False pregnancy in pigs

As is known, such a physiological phenomenon as “false pregnancy” can be observed in pigs. So how do you know if a pig is pregnant or not? During the period of the so-called “false pregnancy,” the unfertilized female stops estrus and exhibits signs characteristic of a normal pregnancy.

In order not to be deceived, you need to be very careful about mating. To avoid false pregnancy, the pig is gradually mated with several boars at once. To determine whether fertilization of the female has occurred, she is placed with a boar. If the pig exhibits aggressive behavior and does not allow the male to approach her, then fertilization was successful. Read more about mating.

On this page we will talk about the course of pregnancy, how to properly deliver a baby and raise Vietnamese breed piglets.

Pregnancy in Vietnamese pigs, like normal ones, lasts 114-118 days, or, as people say: “three months, three weeks and three days.” About a couple of days before farrowing, the sow begins to worry, her belly drops, lobes form, her nipples turn red and swell. If, when pressing on the nipple, drops of translucent colostrum are released, then we expect labor within the next 24 hours. On the day of farrowing, the sow prepares the nest very carefully and responsibly; she crumples the bedding and chews the hay to make it softer. If the sow refuses to eat, then this is a sure sign of the imminent onset of labor, which must be met fully prepared. It is necessary to clean the machine from sawdust and anything foreign, leaving only hay and a drinking bowl with clean water. It is necessary to fence off a corner for the piglets, bring a red lamp to it to maintain the optimal temperature, prepare diapers, threads for tying the umbilical cord, scissors, and cotton wool with an iodine solution. Some breeders of Vietnamese pigs claim that sows do not need assistance during childbirth, I strongly disagree with this for many reasons. The sow, under the supervision of the owner, will feel calmer, and childbirth will proceed faster and easier. Newborn piglets should receive a portion of colostrum within the first hour of life (twenty to forty minutes). The fact is that piglets are born with a small supply of nutrients, and if they do not receive mother's milk on time, they may die.

So, the born piglet must be cleaned of films and mucus, especially carefully clearing the airways (piglet and mouth). At a distance of 2-3 fingers from the tummy, we tie the umbilical cord with threads and cut it off. We treat the wound with iodine solution and place the pig under a lamp to dry. The temperature in the first days of life should be maintained at 30°-32° C. At lower temperatures, piglets' thermoregulation is disrupted, they develop worse and get sick. In the first day of life, piglets suckle from their mother every 25 to 40 minutes, so it is very important to monitor the quantity and quality of feeding of each piglet so that there is no developmental delay in the future. Childbirth usually lasts 3 - 5 hours, in rare cases up to 12. labor ends with the release of the placenta, which usually consists of two parts. The afterbirth must be carefully collected and removed, thereby preventing its possible consumption by the sow. At birth, piglets have two pairs of baby teeth in each jaw, for a total of eight. The teeth are placed in such a way that when sucking they cover the nipple from all sides and help the piglets in the feeding process by holding the tongue. That's why I strongly recommend not removing baby teeth from piglets.. Teeth are removed only if they are placed incorrectly in the mouth. But I have never had such examples. For irritation or wounds in the sow's nipples, I use DEK emulsion cream, produced by Ukrzoovetprompostach, Kyiv. The emulsion gives a good effect both for the treatment and for the prevention of mastitis, cracks and irritation of the udder. In the first days of life, piglets very actively feed on mother's milk, which contains all the microelements necessary for growth and development. But milk lacks such important nutrients as iron and copper. From the first days of life, the level of iron in the blood of piglets sharply decreases, which can lead to anemia, and this is a very serious problem. The piglets begin to feel cold, turn pale, lag behind in development, and eventually die. To avoid anemia, I give piglets intramuscular injections into the inner thigh. Iron preparations have proven themselves very well: Ursoferran-100 and Ferroselenite (which, in addition to iron, contains such a valuable trace element as selenium). I refused to use the drug “Suiferrovit” produced in Poland. After injections of this drug, piglets very often experience complications: diarrhea, digestive problems, even death. This may be due to the fact that “Sueferrovit” is prepared using the blood serum of ordinary pigs.
For each piglet, I keep a piglet card, where I note developmental features, vaccinations and weight, which I measure every 10 days. It seems to me that this makes it easier to track the development dynamics and future prospects of each piglet. After many surveys I conducted, I came to the following conclusion: with the average weight of a born piglet being 450-500 grams, by 10 days of life it should weigh at least 1 kilogram, by 20 - from 1.5 to 2 kg. , by month, at least 2.5-3 kg.

There are individual specimens weighing 5-6 kg by month. In the press I found a figure of up to 10 kg, the weight of a month-old pig, but I think that this, to put it mildly, is not true. Weight 10-15 kg. Vietnamese piglets reach only three months of age. In order for piglets to grow and develop well, from the age of one week they should be fed chalk, red clay, charcoal - substances containing calcium, phosphorus and iron. From the age of ten days I begin to add roasted barley and provide drinking bowls with clean water. Upon reaching two weeks of age, I begin to gradually give thick porridge, as for adults, with the addition of “prelac” or with premixes, oat milk, granulated starter feed for sucklings in the first days of life. We must not forget that from about a week of age, piglets begin to erupt their main teeth and they begin to need to chew and gnaw something. If they are not given this opportunity, tummy problems may again arise.
Towards the end of the first month of life, the sow's milk production decreases. By this time, the piglets should learn to feed themselves. Gradually I begin to separate the piglets from the sow. Doing this in stages, over five to six days. I do not recommend abruptly weaning piglets; it is harmful for both the piglets and the sow. The mother may develop mastitis, and the children may experience stress, loss of appetite and indigestion. At the age of forty days, we give the piglets prophylaxis against helminthic infestations. I use the drug "Brovandazole", produced in Kyiv. Unfortunately, the drug "Albendazole" does not work on some types of helminths.
From an early age, piglets should be taught to walk in the fresh air. At the beginning for a few minutes, then increasing them to several hours (in the warm season).
In conclusion, I want to say that the time and effort spent on raising young animals will pay off handsomely. The main thing is to treat the process with love and responsibility.

After publishing articles in which I talked about my experience in breeding and raising Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs, many letters came. The vast majority of questions asked by readers are about obtaining offspring and raising young animals.

This time I want to talk about a very important and responsible moment - childbirth and further care for the suckling sow and her offspring.

As you remember, Vietnamese pigs have increased early maturity. A young pig is allowed to mate at the age of 5-6 months when it reaches a weight of 30-32 kg. The upcoming pregnancy is not an easy test for the sow, so she needs to create all the conditions so that she brings strong, healthy offspring. You need to treat her kindly, evenly and calmly. Pregnancy in Vietnamese pigs, like regular pigs, lasts 114-118 days (three months, three weeks, three days). The most intensive growth of fruits is observed in the last month of pregnancy. The sow should be fed well and of high quality, adding vitamins “Kalfostonik” to food or “Chiktonik” to drink. The water should never be cold.

About a couple of days before farrowing, the sow begins to worry, and her belly drops, milk lobes form, and her nipples swell. If colostrum is released when you press on the nipple, then birth can be expected within the next 24 hours. On the day of farrowing, the sow prepares the nest very carefully and responsibly; she crumples the bedding and chews the hay to make it softer. Often lies down, gets up, cleanses the intestines and bladder. The sow's refusal to eat is a sure sign of the imminent onset of labor, which must be met fully prepared. The pen needs to be cleaned of sawdust and anything foreign, leaving only hay and a drinking bowl with clean water, since the pig is very thirsty during and after farrowing.

An infrared lamp is hung in the corner of the baby compartment to maintain the optimal temperature.

By the way, about the corner. Ordinary nest boxes, boards, boxes, boxes are not suitable for gentle and caring mothers, such as Vietnamese pigs. Without close contact with the offspring, pigs become nervous and anxious. In my opinion, the most optimal solution is a metal grate, with a distance between the bars of 10-15 cm, installed diagonally, in the corner.

For childbirth, we prepare clean towels, scissors, thread, cotton wool, and a 10% iodine solution. Some breeders of Vietnamese pigs claim that sows do not need assistance during childbirth, I strongly disagree with this for many reasons. The sow, under the supervision of the owner, will feel calmer, childbirth will proceed easier and faster, and the number of weak piglets will decrease.

Newborn piglets should receive a portion of colostrum within the first half hour of life. The fact is that piglets are born with a small supply of nutrients, and if they do not receive mother's milk on time, they may die. In addition, when piglets suck, labor is stimulated.
I quickly remove mucus from each piglet’s nose, mouth, ears, wipe it dry, lightly massaging it. At a distance of 2-3 fingers from the tummy, I tie the umbilical cord with threads and cut it off. I treat the wound with iodine solution, weigh the pig and put it under a lamp to dry. The temperature in the first days of life should be maintained at 30°-32°C. At lower temperatures, piglets' thermoregulation is disrupted, they develop worse and get sick. On the first day of life, piglets nurse their mother every 25-40 minutes, so it is very important to monitor the quantity and quality of feeding of each baby so that there is no developmental delay in the future. Childbirth usually lasts 3-5 hours, in rare cases up to 12, and ends with the release of the placenta. The traces must be collected and removed. 10-12 hours after farrowing, I bring food to the sow.

At birth, piglets have two pairs of baby teeth in each jaw, for a total of eight. The teeth are arranged in such a way that when sucking they cover the nipple from all sides and help the piglets in the feeding process by holding the tongue. Therefore, I strongly recommend not removing baby teeth. Teeth are removed only if they are placed incorrectly in the mouth. But I have never had such examples.

The sow's udder, being in a tense state, is more often subject to injury and inflammation. Cream-emulsion "DEK" gives a good effect both for the treatment and prevention of mastitis, cracks and sores of the nipples.

Sow milk lacks important nutrients such as iron and copper. From the first days of life, the level of iron in the blood of piglets sharply decreases, which can lead to the development of anemia. The piglets begin to feel cold, lag behind in development, the skin turns pale and, ultimately, may die. To avoid anemia, I vaccinate piglets on the 3rd and 10th days of life with iron preparations Ursoferran-100 - 1.0 ml, or Ferroselenite - 1.0 ml, intramuscularly into the inner thigh. I refused to use the drug "Suifferovit" due to frequent complications and side effects. Perhaps complications arise because Suifferovit is prepared from the blood serum of ordinary pigs.

From the age of one week, piglets begin to erupt their primary teeth, and they begin to need to chew something. To prevent animals from gnawing on contaminated objects, I introduce chalk, red clay, and coal as fertilizer - substances containing calcium, phosphorus, and iron. From the age of ten days I add roasted barley, a starter feed for sucklings. I put drinking bowls with clean water. I charge the water with silver ions, I believe that this gives a certain effect. After reaching two weeks, I feed the piglets with thick porridge, as for adults, with the addition of “Prelac” or other premixes, or I add cow’s milk diluted in half with water. Also, instead of cow's milk, you can use goat's milk. Goat's milk is preferable to cow's milk, it is more healthy, so if there is such an opportunity, take advantage of it.

Towards the end of the first month of life, the sow's milk production decreases, so the piglets must learn to feed themselves. Gradually I begin to separate the piglets from the sow. I do this in stages, over six days, according to a certain scheme. On the first day there are six feedings, followed by a reduction to one. I do not recommend abruptly weaning piglets; it is harmful for both the piglets and the sow. The mother may develop mastitis, and the children may experience indigestion and stress. At the age of forty days, I give the piglets prophylaxis against helminths using the drugs “Invermectin” or “Ecomectin”, according to the instructions. After weaning, around the fifth day, the sow shows signs of heat and is ready to start again.

Proper mating and farrowing of Vietnamese pigs are the key to successful breeding of these animals. The strong immunity of pot-bellied piglets is developed at an early age, so the birth process must take place in full compliance with veterinary standards. For mating, you need to use proven breeding boars, and for farrowing, you need to provide the sow with the most comfortable conditions.

Early maturing pigs with a calm character

Pot-bellied piglets are characterized by early puberty and already at the age of 3.5-4 months the future sow is ready to reproduce offspring. However, a young pig at this age continues to develop into an adult animal. Therefore, experienced livestock breeders do not recommend covering a Vietnamese pig until it reaches a weight of 30-35 kg.

It is possible to determine that a female has entered the hunting period by external signs. She loses her appetite, becomes restless, the genital loop area swells and periodic mucus is noticeable.

If you lightly press on the back of a pig in heat, it stops moving and freezes in place, demonstrating its readiness for copulation. If such signs appear, you should not delay it and you need to let the breeding boar approach it.

Use multiple manufacturers

Mating of Vietnamese pigs is quite easy. To do this, you need to lock the female and the male in a separate pen and give them the opportunity to spend 1-2 days together. This time will be quite enough to cover. No assistance from the livestock breeder is required in this process.

For many years, experts involved in pig breeding claim that pregnancy is easier, and stronger offspring are born, if the females are successively covered by several wild boars, the number of which should not exceed three.

To exclude the possibility of obtaining non-viable offspring, it is necessary to use boars that are not related to the female for mating.

If pregnancy does not occur, then after 22 days the female will begin the hunting period again. In this case, it is necessary to cover it with a boar that did not take part in the previous mating.

Know how to use a farrowing chart

Due to the fact that Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs are capable of producing offspring twice a year, the owner of a small farm needs to adjust his plans by purchasing the required amount of feed right before the farrowing period.

In order to find out the approximate farrowing time of a sow, experts have compiled the table below.

It is very easy to use. You just need to combine the mating date with the month of the year and you can find out the approximate farrowing date of your pig. This will provide an opportunity to prepare for childbirth and conduct it at the highest level.

Pregnancy proceeds without complications

Pregnancy in pot-bellied sows in most cases proceeds without complications. Pregnant pigs bear offspring for 114-118 days.

If the mating was carried out correctly, then within a few days pregnancy will occur and the pig’s habits will change. She will stop freezing when she feels pressure on her back and will not show signs of sexual seeking. She will begin to eat a lot and rapidly increase in size, becoming taller and larger than the other piglets in her brood.

In the first three months of pregnancy, the sow’s belly hardly grows, and only in the last month before giving birth will it grow rapidly.

While expecting offspring, pigs need to be fed intensively so that the expectant mother accumulates more fat deposits. Pot-bellied pigs stop eating a lot just before giving birth, showing increased anxiety.

Signs of imminent labor

If the female is pregnant, she will spend a lot of time in her pen, accumulating strength before giving birth. The pig eats a lot and grows quickly. Within a month she becomes taller and larger than other animals from her litter, and in the last month her belly begins to actively grow.

Now we will tell you how to determine the approach of labor if you did not use the table above. This period has clear visible signs:

  • the pig does not allow humans to approach it, becoming overly aggressive;
  • her appetite sharply worsens;
  • the animal begins to arrange the nest, thoroughly chewing the litter;
  • the stomach drops;
  • You can see enlarged nipples and swollen genitals.

If colostrum begins to leak from the nipples, this is the first sign of impending labor, which may occur within the next 12-16 hours.

Prepare the birthing area independently

It is traditionally believed that pregnancy and childbirth in the Vietnamese pot-bellied pig proceed smoothly, since its body constitution fully complies with the standards of the wild.

Under normal conditions, the sow independently carries, gives birth to and cleans her piglets, allowing them to her breast. But farrowing pigs at home requires human participation.

Having noticed signs of an approaching period of birth in a Vietnamese pig, the owner of the pig farm must carefully prepare for them by cleaning the pen. You can add some fresh hay, which the sow will arrange herself in the way she likes.

If farrowing occurs during the winter months, it is necessary to provide heating for the maternity room. When keeping piglets normally, the temperature in the pigsty should be about + 20 degrees Celsius, and during farrowing it should be raised to 32 degrees. To do this, you can use a red lamp, the light of which can be directed at babies and an adult pig.

In most cases, childbirth takes place in the evening and at night. They can last up to 5 hours, and it is best for the farmer to stay near the pig all this time, providing all possible assistance.

Preparing for farrowing

Having determined by external signs that a pot-bellied pig is about to farrow soon, the farmer must immediately prepare for it. In addition to the mandatory cleaning of the maternity area, care should be taken to create a separate nest for piglets. You can make separate boxes with soft hay bedding. The water in the drinking bowl needs to be replaced, which should not only be purified, but also slightly heated.

You need to prepare an improvised first aid kit. It should definitely include clean towels or diapers, scissors, thread, cotton wool, and iodine. There should be a sufficient amount of heated water at the ready.

Usually the first time farrowing a Vietnamese pig is the most difficult. To stimulate labor, it is recommended to give the young sow an injection of the hormonal agent Oxytocin. The animal must be thoroughly washed with soapy water, paying special attention to the belly and nipples.

Each subsequent birth will be easier because with age the pig becomes stronger, more experienced and less panicky.

Babies need to be fed their mother's colostrum immediately

Childbirth begins with periodic contractions. They pass with an interval of 8-10 minutes, after which they turn into attempts. Amniotic fluid comes out of the genital organ.

The babies are born one after another, and it is necessary to promptly select them from their mother, who may inadvertently crush one or more piglets.

Each baby is born in its own fruit sac. The film must be removed, after which you need to wipe the baby dry.

Piglets immediately after birth begin to look for the mother's breast and are obliged to gain access to it as quickly as possible.

Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs have excellent innate immunity, which is developed in the first hours of life along with maternal colostrum. If you do not allow the piglet to leave the pig's teat in a timely manner, the animal may subsequently be severely weakened and often get sick.

It is believed that in order to obtain immunity, each piglet must receive a portion of maternal colostrum within half an hour after birth. Therefore, they need to be brought to the nipples, even if the birth process continues.

Possible complications during farrowing

Sometimes the piglet is unable to free itself from the amniotic sac and may suffocate. Therefore, human help will be very helpful. The farmer must clear the mucus from the mouth, nasal openings and ears, and thoroughly wipe the baby with a towel or diaper.

If the newborn does not show signs of life, there is no need to despair. Quite often it is possible to bring him back to life with the help of artificial respiration and chest compressions. However, this must be done extremely carefully so as not to break the pig’s fragile bones.

During a protracted labor process, when the babies do not leave the mother’s body for 5 or more hours, you should immediately call a veterinarian. The specialist will be able to give professional advice and help during childbirth, including the use of injections that enhance labor activity.

If this is not done, then you can lose not only the piglets, but also the sow herself.

Going out needs help

Sometimes the veterinarian is not able to quickly arrive when called, and the farmer needs to provide assistance to the sow himself. The genital organ is treated with soap, which increases glide and simplifies the farrowing process.

It is required to put on sterile rubber gloves, pre-treated with an antiseptic. Having felt the body of a stuck piglet in the birth canal, you need to begin to gently pull it out without making sudden movements.

Even one baby incorrectly positioned in the birth canal can create serious problems for the female. But when the first piglet is born, the birth process accelerates significantly, and the babies begin to be born one by one.

But even when using absolutely sterile instruments, the female can get an infection, which will be difficult for the body weakened by childbirth to fight. Therefore, after the female has completely farrowed, it is recommended that she be given an injection of a broad-spectrum antibiotic.

Protect from mother's aggression

The Vietnamese pig is a very strong animal that can behave unpredictably during farrowing. Usually during childbirth, sows are calm, but sometimes they can become more aggressive, provoked by pain.

After farrowing, the pig becomes hysterical and may attack the piglets. There are cases where females deliberately crush their cubs or kill them. To avoid this, babies should be selected from such a mother, and she herself is usually discarded after the first birth.

Experts say that after farrowing, the woman in labor needs to create the most comfortable conditions possible, make sure that she is warm and comfortable. There should always be an abundance of warm, purified water in the drinking bowl. “Vietnamese” dogs have an excellent appetite after farrowing. But you need to make sure that the sow eats, and must produce enough milk to feed her babies.

Feed once every three hours

An ordinary pot-bellied first-born pig gives birth to from 5 to 10 piglets, and with each subsequent time their number will only increase, reaching 12-18 per farrowing. Sows have only 12 teats, some of which may not be filled with colostrum or milk.

The farmer needs to be prepared for the fact that some piglets will not be able to find the nipple and will begin to starve. Therefore, every 3 hours they need to be brought to the mother, making sure that everyone gets colostrum and milk.

In order for the female to produce more milk, in the first days she needs to be given liquid porridge. If there is not enough milk, then the babies can be brought to another sow who can accept them. But it is strictly not recommended to separate young animals from their mother for more than three days.

If this is not possible, then you can feed Vietnamese babies from a pacifier. To do this, liquid porridge is brewed with cow's milk, which kids eat with pleasure.

Feeding should be done 7-8 times a day, carefully monitoring how much food the baby absorbs. Overeating is just as dangerous as starvation and can cause early obesity, which can negatively impact the health of your Vietnamese piglet.

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Write in the comments about your own ways of helping a pig during labor.

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The Vietnamese breed appeared in Russia and neighboring countries relatively recently, but was able to quickly win the love of many breeders. Their popularity is growing for several reasons that are important for farmers: for example, they reach puberty already at 3 months of age, and by 6-7 months a full-fledged pig with a balanced diet can weigh about 100 kg. The breed is classified as a dietary bacon breed, which is why its pork meat is highly valued among livestock companies. Plus, each animal farrows from 5 to 15 piglets, which is approximately 30-35 new piglets per year. To make a profit, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for pregnant individuals and follow several rules, which are described below.

How to tell if a Vietnamese pig is pregnant

Despite early sexual maturity, the older the pig, the easier the birth. Also, the percentage of healthy offspring obtained increases with age.

Signs of pregnancy and pot-bellied pigs

Gynecological signs by which the breeder understands that fertilization was successful:

  1. The sow calms down, is more passive and good-natured.
  2. A sharp weight gain begins, shapes become rounded.
  3. The animal constantly carries straw in one place, as if building a nest.
  4. The nipples swell and turn red. If you gently press on them, a clear liquid appears - colostrum.
  5. After intercourse, an ordinary pig will notice a re-inclination within 2-3 weeks. The absence of this is another sign of pregnancy.
  6. White, porous discharge can sometimes be seen on the genitals.

A rapid increase in muscle mass helps determine that the female is preparing for childbirth and feeding her offspring. All of the above signs signal the owners that the pig is ready to farrow.

How many months does a pregnant woman carry her offspring?

In terms of the duration and course of pregnancy, Vietnamese pigs are not much different from ordinary pigs. The simplest way to call time in obstetrics is 3 triplets: 3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days. In more precise terms, from 114 to 120 days. The period varies depending on the number of cubs being carried, the weight of the pig, the type of pregnancy and other gynecological factors.

The rapid birth process is preceded by prolapse of the abdomen, clear separation of cotyledons, and the restless nature of the animal.

Number of piglets

It is difficult to predict how many offspring a sow will give birth to. As a rule, during the first pregnancy there are about 5 piglets, then the numbers vary from 9 to 14 per farrowing.

Conditions for the sow

Healthy offspring are born when the most comfortable conditions are observed during the sow’s pregnancy. Particular attention must be paid to nutrition: it must be complete and balanced. Read how to raise pigs at home.

  1. The animal is allocated the driest, cleanest and softest, warmest pen in the barn. The place is prepared especially carefully in winter.
  2. Try not to give to other pigs enter her personal territory.
  3. Avoid stress because despite the calm temperament during pregnancy, at the same time the animal is very timid and cautious.
  4. Providing complete, balanced nutrition. This is an important point, since after a pig sheds a lot of weight, it is very difficult for her to recover, since piglets require nutrients and vitamins found in their milk.

Preparation rules

At the end of pregnancy, the pig can be compared to a long ball, as the belly becomes simply huge. After the abdomen subsides and other signs of imminent delivery appear, they begin to prepare a place for her.

2-3 days before the birth of piglets, the pig is allocated a separate, separate stall, in which half is separated for future offspring.

A few days before the start, food and drink are limited and kept to a minimum; the floor is covered with thick straw. The pig itself is washed, especially carefully going over the belly and udder; the skin is treated with an antiseptic.

Also, before giving birth, prepare all the necessary things for this:

  1. Burlap, clean old towels. They wipe the pig from mucus.
  2. The umbilical cord section is treated with iodine
  3. 2-3 buckets of warm, room temperature or warmer water are useful for washing the pig and babies after farrowing.
  4. Crates for newborns and an incandescent lamp are needed to warm the newly born piglets. It’s a good idea to wrap them additionally in burlap.
  5. Oxytocin stimulates the process and speeds up labor.

Oxytocin is injected to stimulate labor.

Oxytocin is sold in regular, non-veterinary pharmacies in ampoules. Injected into the skin under the ear twice if the birth is expected to be difficult.

Signs of imminent farrowing: refusal to eat, milk dripping

To understand the early signs of farrowing in Vietnamese pigs, you should carefully monitor the animal:

The first thing that will catch your eye is that the calm and good-natured sow begins to rush around, get nervous and try to be closer to people.

  • a week before giving birth, the stomach drops, the nipples become very swollen;
  • One of the sure signs that farrowing will begin in a few hours: milk begins to drip from the mammary glands instead of colostrum;
  • the sow stops eating and drinking, or the amount is significantly reduced.

Disinfectants should be selected without odor or any fragrances.


After giving birth, especially the first, it is worth paying attention to the pig and helping it adapt after birth, and the piglets to a new life.

Behind the sow

One of the basic rules for the fastest recovery and increase in milk volumes is high-calorie, vitamin-rich food and in large volumes. But the first dish after childbirth is a thin mash of milk and oatmeal.

Make the pig stand up and walk around the pen; if she doesn’t want to and lies down all the time, call the vet. After 5 days, take her outside to ease her postpartum condition.

For the piglets

Weak newborns are force-fed from a bottle and try to keep the room temperature constant above 30°C.

Weak piglets must be bottle-fed additionally.

What complications may arise during reproduction?

Not always everything goes perfectly during childbirth and the course of pregnancy; sometimes a malfunction occurs, and piglets are born dead, without limbs or generally of an incomprehensible shape. The birth of defective piglets indicates possible hidden diseases of the female. This happens often and for a number of reasons.

  1. Too early mating.
  2. Hidden diseases of the genital organs, including infectious ones.
  3. Scarce hog sperm.
  4. Insufficient oxygen during pregnancy.
  5. Hormonal imbalances of an unknown nature.

How to give birth at home: how to help

As a rule, animals intuitively know what to do during childbirth, but a person should always be nearby to control the process . Contractions last from 3 to 12 hours, and each attempt produces one piglet. In this case, the temperature in the barn rises to 30-35°C and is maintained for several days and after birth.

During farrowing, the pig lies on its side, and the piglets come out in film and water. As soon as the newborn appears, remove the film, dry it with a towel and wrap it in burlap. And the umbilical cord is cut and treated with iodine.

You need to immediately clean the nose, otherwise the piglet will suffocate in the amniotic fluid.

Piglets are placed with the sow for feeding even if labor has not yet ended, since for full development they must receive colostrum in the first hours of life. Before this, the pig’s udder is washed and massaged to avoid milk stagnation. And after a week you can give it to the piglets.

If the first farrow

Castration: why is it necessary, determine the period

Castration or emasculation is used to eliminate reproduction by force. This includes not only surgical removal of the genital organs, but also types of castration such as hormonal, chemical and radioactive. But the latter are not popular among farmers.


There are several objective aspects due to which castration is necessary; sex hormones affect not only the behavior of animals, but also weight gain, the presence of diseases and much more.

  1. Monthly sexual heat negatively affects the mood of animals; all individuals become restless, eat poorly and gain little weight. Castration significantly reduces aggression in boars.
  2. An uncastrated hog is unsuitable for food, as its meat has a specific, unpleasant odor.
  3. Surgical operation solves problems with a number of animal diseases, for example, hernia, inflammation of the genital organs, neoplasms and others.

Sequence of actions when castrating a boar.

Castrated hogs are more resilient and grow faster.

At what age should and can a boar be castrated (trimmed)

Many farmers believe that it is necessary to castrate boars as early as possible, from the 10th day to the 45th day of life. Thus, significant blood loss is avoided, babies become more good-natured and calm, pig milk contains antibodies that promote healing.

Also, with early castration, an early restructuring of the body occurs, which significantly affects growth, blood quality and weight gain.

About do-it-yourself artificial insemination

Artificial insemination of pigs is now popular, as it helps to avoid a number of problems that may occur during sexual intercourse.

  1. Sexual diseases are excluded, affecting the continuation of the breed, if any, it is worth refusing the procedure and making a decision after treatment.
  2. A boar requires care and maintenance costs, feed costs, increasing barn area. With the help of breeding bull semen, these economic problems can be easily solved.

With such insemination on a farm, it is advisable to have animals of the same age, with ovulation occurring at the same time.

How insemination occurs: hunting, when to happen

  • using hog pheromone, the readiness of females is determined;
  • the finished pigs are marked with paint and placed in another barn;
  • the sperm is heated to a maximum of 39°C;
  • They perform fertilization with their own hands.

The insemination process is carried out in two ways:

  1. Factional. In this case, the sperm is injected in several stages: 35-40 ml, then 70-80 ml of a solution consisting of 30 g of glucose, 4.5 g of salt and 1 liter of clean water.
  2. Non-factional. 100 ml of diluted sperm is immediately introduced into the uterus (the pure component of the working substance is 80 ml). Artificial insemination of pigs reduces costs for farmers.

Insemination is carried out using the UKP-1, UZK-5 and POS-5 devices.

A positive result from artificial insemination is visible on the 20th day after the procedure. A fertilized pig does not experience sexual desire again. But there is a possibility of repeated heat on the 35-40th day, which is why sows are monitored very carefully until this day.


The video shows the behavior of a pig before farrowing.


As can be seen from the article, farrowing of Vietnamese pigs is practically no different from farrowing of other breeds of pigs.

  1. The ideal start of mating/breeding (coating a regular or pot-bellied pig) is no earlier than 5 months of age; if this is done earlier than normal, there may be complications.
  2. For a successful birth, animals need human help. as well as a clean, warm, separate place, adequate pre- and postnatal care and feeding (quality food). How to properly feed a pregnant sow can be read in.
  3. To save money on keeping and breeding pigs, artificial insemination was invented in 1926, which made the work of farmers much easier.
  4. There is no need to exclude possible deviations in childbirth (when piglets begin to grow according to the calendar) or in newborns. This is taken into account when calculating profit for animals.